Last week I shared with you all Ryder's new love of reading. Last night while cleaning up his toys, I snapped a picture of our nightly reads. We read each of these books numerous times each night. If you don't believe me you are welcome to come babysit for us.
While shopping at the Holiday market a couple weekends ago, I sat Ryder down for a split second so I could get something out of my purse, when I turned around to pick him back up he was standing right next to this dog, just staring at him. He hasn't been around too many dogs close to his size. I think he loved him.
Last week, we went to Fondren Unwrapped. I couldn't find Ryder's toboggan and it was really cold outside, so I decided to try John Michael's (logically thinking it would fit, right). I'm proud to say -- it didn't!
Once we got there, I spotted Santa. I really wanted to get Ryder's reaction so I handed him over, assuming he would love him! He didn't. There weren't any tears, but there were some angry glares.
This past weekend, we decided not to go to the State/Arkansas game. It was our last home game, but with the holidays coming up, we knew we needed a nice, relaxing family weekend. We had lots of fun on Saturday. We woke up and started the day planting flower beds in our front yard. The weekend before last you might recall that Ryder and JM tore out the old flowers.
We had to explain to Ryder that these flowers were not a toy. His favorite part about planting the flowers was pulling them out once they were already planted. 

I was feeling generous and let Peanut out in the front to play with the whole family
Next up - Fondren - so I could pick up my consignment check from Orange Peel. We browsed around the block for a bit and then on our way to the car we and saw an unoccupied fire truck in the grocery store parking lot. Ryder was in awe, so we let him hop on.
He did not like the coon skin wig, it must've been itchy on his head.
But he loved the four wheeler outside
And he was just high as a kite driving that boat
But his favorite part was the tent.
When we got home, it was time to put our pocket change in the jar. This is a ritual JM has started with Ryder. He would teach him about saving at such an early age, wouldn't he?
John Michael will say, C'mon Ryder, let's go put our change in the jar. Ryder will follow him in to our bedroom and wait for JM to get the change out of his pocket. He'll hand it to Ryder...
Then Ryder walks it over to the jar and puts it right in. He's proud as punch over this.
After our Sunday afternoon nap, we helped daddy clean out the garage.
He loves the tool box now. And don't dare take away his screwdriver.
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