To celebrate Ryder's 9 months of life today, we took him for his routine checkup. No shots were involved this time, but only a small prick of the finger. I squeezed his right hand (my mom always did this for us when we got shots, it is supposedly takes your mind off the pain), and waited for the scream. I heard her say something about a bandaid, and next I knew, the procedure (ha) was all over. I was greeted with the sweetest smile when he turned his
His doctor asked if he was taking two naps a day (yes), taking four 6oz bottles a day (yes), eating stage 3 baby foods three times a day (yes), going to sleep around 7 p.m. and sleeping through the night (yes), saying dada (yes... and mama too I added), crawling and pulling up (yes). She said he was on the perfect schedule (thank you Baby Wise). She suggested we ditch the baby tub, which we probably should've done a while back, and to just fill up the tub a shallow amount. I think we'll try that tonight. I told her we had concerns that our new carseat was too wobbly and that he didn't feel strapped in tight enough so she suggested I call our local fire department to check it out. I called the Clin.ton Fire Department and told the lady who I was and she said that yes, we could come by. She must've mentioned it to the chief, because a few minutes later our fire chief called me and said that I must bring it by if there is even a chance his safety is in question, and today at that! Gotta love working for the Chamber and getting personal calls from the chief, right?
I wish you would do What's in your bag?... I would love to read it.