
Goodbye Beard, Hello Ring!

Ryder's class Christmas party

Ryder's bud Gaines

I do love watching my little baby in action in school.  WILD.

Gift swap!

Class photo.  You will notice which child is the most animated.  

Rhodes' class exchanged gifts too :)  John Michael and I with the boys went to lunch after school and we got desperate with a starving child so thank goodness I remembered the unopened gift in the car...

This boy loooooves some shades.

I've got my hands full now.  I got up early (early as in before the kids got up) and hopped in the shower real quick.  I got out and heard some commotion on the monitor and ran in there to find Ryder in the crib jumping around with Rhodes.  They were in hog heaven.  Don't let mama rain on that parade!

Rhodes says smile or bust.

Ryder tries desperately to look just like his daddy.  When I saw this wallet in his back pocket I wanted to cry.  Too big.

Ooooh Lawd have mercy.  Redneck senior portriat?

Unfortunately it was about 75 degrees on December 23.  So we spent a lot of time outside.

Rhodes LOVES a kiss.  Just say Mmmmmmmm to him and he will pucker up at you.

17 months later my baby fell asleep somewhere other than his crib.  First time for everything.

Family Christmas #1 with daddy, Becky and all family :)

Kayla and Bennett

Boys already fighting over gifts.

Thankful Ryder slowed down for a picture.

Daddy and his girls

Daddy, Becky and the grandchillins.

If you have a weak stomach don't look.  But I guess when you are OBSESSED with TV, you just throw up all over the floor without trying to make it to the toilet, and then continue watching your show without missing a beat.  WHAT?

Christmas Eve bright and early me and the boys got up and ready to head to Greenville for Christmas #2.  JM was hunting and just met us.  Thanks to Kayla for coming over and riding with us!  Always love an extra hand :)

Some of my many cousins.  Love those Henrys.

Tee break on the way home.  Never fails.

 Christmas Eve service at Pinelake.  Ryder was infatuated with Jeffrey's beard.  Until we got to Salsa's afterwards and he saw a man with a long beard.  And screamed and pointed, "WOAH.  That man's beard is HUGE!!!"  The nice man just smiled and waved.

Worship with Nanni!

This sneaky stinker...

Reindeer food in hand.

Spreading out the magic stuff.

My gift stash.  I only took a picture because I just loved the green one with the red pigtails that JM wrapped.  Too cute, seriously.

Rhodes was not into Christmas one bit.  But he did love this one toy.

Then we went to Vaughan for Christmas #3 after we opened gifts.  A big surprise was awaiting for T...

We all have monogrammed stockings and we figured Jeffrey needed one too. (Grandaddy's tube sock!)

So Jeffrey has grown this beard and he knows Anna Terrell doesn't like it.  But it's part of his plan.  So fast forward to Christmas Day.  Anna Terrell opens a gift with her name on it and it's beard trimmers.  She says, "did you wrap these for me so I could trim your beard finally?"  He says yes.  So she just kind of laughs and turns her head to grab the next gift to hand out.  In the mean time Jeffrey has dropped down on one knee and says, "figured you'd need these trim my beard for upcoming wedding festivities.  Will you marry me, Anna Terrell?"  You can see her face here.  She was so surprised!!!

Sweet brother getting in on the action.  I was busy videoing and shaking because I knew it was coming!!!

Needed some "day of" pictures, so...

What an exciting time!!!  Men... if you ever in your lifetime read this.  Surprise your woman with her engagement!!!  I'm serious!  It's so fun.

Ohhhh, and Ryder thinks he's 30.  In his camo jacket, hunting socks and hunting boots, oh my.

Smile :)


Then day after Christmas we celebrated at Poppy and CC's for Christmas #4.  

Finally home to play with toys.  Rhodes was napping when Ryder was ready for a ride.  So he requested "Rexie" (T-Rex) for a spin.  Only request was that I buckle him in.

What else can I say but...  Bathtub pic!

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