Good grief, I don't even know where to start. I am about 10 blogs behind so I will just try to update in photos.
One of many trips to Home Depot and Lowe's. This particular trip was for supplies to make a rope swing for Ryder.
Mother's Day brunch at Another Broken Egg.
Nanni and Rhodes on Mother's Day
Ryder got a treat for being so patient during our two hour restaurant wait. Instead of putting his candy in a bag and paying for it, he just helped himself right then and there! BUSTED!
Seriously the best Mother's Day yet. Could be because I'm with two babies this time! So blessed!
John Michael really knew what I needed. I was a "working' mom for 3 1/2 years and have been a stay at home mom for about 4 months (although it seems like years!!!) When I worked, I wanted to be with my children 100% as soon as work ended, no exceptions. I had a hard time making any plans because I didn't want to miss out any more than I had to. But, things sure do change when you are with the little rascals 24/7! I think John Michael knew I needed some solo time and he graced me with a full spa day and a gift card for shopping. Yessireeeeee!!!! So typical that he said he would hire a babysitter on the day I choose to get pampered so he wouldn't have to be Mr. Mom all day. He was kidding though. I think...
My boys rarely wear clothes at home. Sometimes it's just too much work.
Testing out the new rope swing.
Ryder's last Tball game. Wow, what a season. We need some more practice!!!
Rhodes is now eating solid foods, as in not mashed up baby food. Well he's eating that too, but I've added in some fruit cups and a few veggies such as black eyed peas, etc.
Eww I'm a scary sight. But how could I resist when Ryder asked if he could take my picture with the Mother's Day artwork he made for me?
My Tater Tot turned one!
Rhodes and Tate, just about 9 weeks apart in age.
Lila, Rhodes and Gray
Rhodes and Emerson
Devin double timin' with Rhodes and Porter
Ryder was over all these babies. Time for some big boy discussion about "conscrunction" (as he says) stuff chatting with our builder.
The packing has begun.
My sweet boy. He was feeling a little grumpy one morning. I asked him what was wrong and I loved his response. "Ya know, mom. Sometimes it just takes me a minute in the mornings."
My big boy's last day of Mother's Day Out.
Leaving school with his nap mat.
We sure miss Mrs. Megan!!! Ryder was being OCD in this pic and telling her not to touch his curls.
The next day was Kayla's bridesmaid's brunch. It was so nice and pretty fun too :)
One week before the wedding!
Some of Kayla's sweet bridesmaids.
This wraps up the first half of May. Second half includes moving and Kayla's wedding. Coming right up!
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