
A Busy Week in Review

I have these round placemats and Ryder has made up more games to go along with these things.  He's explaining the game to Kayla. 
I asked Ryder what he wanted to be for halloween and he said spiderman.  So I said ok.  I have never heard him say the word spiderman before, he's never watched spiderman, so I'm not sure why this was his choice.  We tried it on and it was a little snug, and he only wore the mask for a few seconds before that got old.  So that went back to the store.

Visit from CC.

Saturday, Connie took our pictures at some cotton fields.  Good thing I snapped one before we left the house because these two children were awful!!!  Rhodes cried the whole time (he was hungry and the sun was too bright, he didn't much like that).  And Ryder was fussing and whining the whole time.

I took this right when we got out of the car before they got cranked up.  Connie managed to get a couple of us, but I'm tellin ya, these boys weren't having it.

Afterwards, once everybody was fed and calmed down, we went to the olde towne fall market.

Then John Michael loaded up and headed for Starkville with a couple of his friends.  We stayed and held down the fort.  Not twenty minutes after he left, Ryder woke up from his nap super early and when I gave him a hug he was burning up.  I took his temp:

Child hasn't had fever in probably a year.  Look how red his face is.  I gave him two rounds of tylenol and motrin and he never had fever again.

Here was my view of the game...

Here was John Michael's view...

The game didn't start until 8:00, and he came home after the game and got home close to 3 a.m.  So this was how most of Sunday was spent

I did manage to get him out of the house Sunday night and we took the boys to the park and I did a little jogging.  Ryder wanted to race me.

This sweet boy was watching Ryder play on the playground.  Ryder kept saying, "Rhodes, watch big brother slide, watch big brother swing", etc."

When I picked Ryder up from school Monday he was on the playground.  He told me that he had something special for me waiting in his cubby.  When we got to his room I saw my surprise, he had picked me some "flowers" and asked his teacher if she would save them for me :)

Rhodes is getting chunkier by the day.

The rolls on his thighs are serious.

And I'm loving those rubberband wrists.
Tuesday night we ventured to the Yazoo County Fair, so much better than the state fair for many reasons.  Cleaner, smaller, safter, nicer people and you pay $9 and ride all you want.

Yeah.. we brought the baby.  Once #2 comes along, the family just becomes a package deal.  If we're taking Ryder somewhere, Rhodes is coming right along, no matter the event.

World's longest merry-go-round.  It went on for over 5 minutes.  Finally one lady yelled out, "This thing ever gonna stop???"

Ryder and Madison got on the ferris wheel.  Ryder was quite scared once it got to the top and started rocking.  We were all waving below and he was just shaking his head back at us like you're crazy if you think I'm taking my hands off the rails to wave back at you.

Rhodes stayed awake throughout the fair, but was just a smiling and a happy baby.

Couldn't leave without winning something.

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