

Before I get started I have to say something... after JM read my last blog about the gym, he confessed to me that he STILL has not gone to cancel that membership.  I told him for each week that he goes without cancelling, I will buy something.  I know you think I am mean, but I promise it'll get him there in a flash.

On to my next thought - I have GOT to stop taking so many pictures.  I just sent all of my pictures (that I really wanted to print) from 2010 to Walgreens and there were 864.  If anyone wants to donate any old, rusty photo albums, I'll takey.  Now don't get me wrong, I had thousands and thousands on the computer, I had to do lots of deleting to get it down to this number, but I did it.  It was hard :(

Last weekend we got to celebrate two fun things:  Swayze Jane turned One!  Not only did Ryder enjoy opening all of her gifts, he also wanted to keep the gift he got for her.

He was really beginning to like all of her toys...
He says "Hawwwsee, Geeeeeeup"

Being sweet to the birthday girl, sharing colors

High School girlies at the birthday party - We love boots

Fun event #2 of the weekend, Meredith and McLean's engagement party.  These are all the same girls in the picture above plus the bride to be.  We love eachother soooo much -- we really do!

I love spending time with these girls


John Michael and I feel so honored, we were asked to be the God parents to little Levi Fyke!  His mom, Lindsey and I have been great friends since 5th grade and we also live in the same neighborhood, so Ryder and Levi will grow up great buddies too! 


On a different note, can I share with you how bad I hate to be nervous?  That feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you are nervous about something, it's the worst.  If you say the words to me: "Hey, I need to talk to you about something," I'm probably going to throw up in your face.  Please don't ever start a sentence out like that, because it makes me very nervous.  One of the serious side effects of my nervousness is that I'll all of a sudden get a hot flash and under my arms start to itch.  Isn't that gross?  It's pretty embarrassing and I would normally not ever share this but I just think it's funny.  This also happens if something scares me.  The other day JM was driving down the road and slammed on brakes (it was a deer or something) and it scared the crap out of me and I immediately started to itch under my arms (on top of my clothing of course, I would never do it on my bare arms, sicko.)  While I was mad about this sudden scare, I didn't say anything, but just kept calm.  I heard him laughing and looked over and he asked, "Did that scare you or something?"  I (probably) said, "What do you think?"  He said, "I know it did, because you are scratching under your arms."  I honestly didn't even remember ever telling him I did this, so while I was somewhat embarrassed, it was kind of sweet because it just goes to show what your significant other remembers about you and how they really pay attention when you're not even looking. 

That's all.

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