I can't believe I'm already 23 weeks along. At the beginning, when people said it would fly by I though they were crazy! But ever since we found out it was a boy each day goes by faster and faster. I finally felt some flutters at about 20 weeks or so and have now moved in to the kicks. It's the best feeling in the world!
Also, I think we've decided on a name... Ryder James Wilson. I've always liked the name Ryder and at first John Michael was totally against it, but all of a sudden he won't even think about anything else, he loves it. So, I think we'll stick with it. I will post some pictures ASAP of the growing belly and sonogram pics. We're going for another sonogram Tuesday so I'll have very updated pics by then!
Also, I think we've decided on a name... Ryder James Wilson. I've always liked the name Ryder and at first John Michael was totally against it, but all of a sudden he won't even think about anything else, he loves it. So, I think we'll stick with it. I will post some pictures ASAP of the growing belly and sonogram pics. We're going for another sonogram Tuesday so I'll have very updated pics by then!
I'm so glad you got a blog so now I can have a blogfriend! I can't wait to feel my baby...I like lay down every night and just wait and wait for it to happen. It will probably be like 4 more weeks! I'm excited for you and John Michael! We should get together sometime and talk about being PG! And maybe our babies can be friends!